Since 1968

We work for you since 1968

Welcome to our company, a leading name in the bearing industry with over 55 years of experience and a solid reputation as an authorized SKF Distributor and Trader, Anupam Marketing Pvt. Ltd. takes pride in providing our customers and following distributors with the best quality products and exceptional service. As a trusted partner of SKF, we have access to the latest products, technologies, and solutions in the industry. We are a trusted partner for businesses across industries, providing quality products, competitive pricing, and reliable service.

Our commitment to exceptional service and support has made us a leader in the bearing industry. We deliver high-quality bearings and related products to help our customers operate more efficiently and effectively, building long-lasting relationships based on trust and satisfaction.

At our company, we offer a wide range of SKF products such as bearings and other related products. We have the highest inventory of SKF products in the whole of India. As a specialized bearing supplier, we take pride in our ability to source even the rarest and hardest-to-find bearings that are not readily available in the market.

Our extensive network of sources and suppliers enables us to locate and acquire these specialized bearings quickly and efficiently. We prioritize fast and reliable delivery, ensuring minimal downtime for your operations. Our commitment to timely delivery means that we can get your bearings to you within 48-72 hours of placing your order.

We are committed to providing our clients with high-quality, reliable bearings, and exceptional customer service. Whether you are a long-time customer or a new partner, we look forward to working with you to help you achieve your goals and succeed in your business. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services and how we can help you with your specialized bearing needs.


As a bearing distributor, our mission revolves around the following key points:

  1. Customer Satisfaction: We strive to provide the best possible experience for our customers, by offering high-quality products, excellent customer service, and efficient delivery.

  2. Trust: We prioritize honesty, transparency, and integrity to build lasting customer relationships based on trust.

  3. Commitment: Our commitment is to meet our customer’s needs by delivering on our promises and meeting deadlines.

  4. Risk Taking: We encourage calculated risk-taking, learning from mistakes, and constant improvement to drive innovation and growth.

  5. Teamwork: Teamwork is crucial to achieving our goals. We promote collaboration, open communication, and mutual respect among team members.

  6. Social Responsibilities: We prioritize sustainable practices, ethical conduct, and community involvement to fulfil our social responsibility as a business.

  7. Modernize the Trade: Innovation and modernization are vital for staying competitive. We invest in new technologies, processes, and training to stay ahead of the curve.

To summarize, our mission as a bearing distributor revolves around customer satisfaction, trust, commitment, risk-taking, teamwork, social responsibilities, and modernizing the trade. By prioritizing these core values, we strive to deliver value to our customers, employees, and the community at large.


  1. Modernization: The business needs to embrace modern technologies and practices to operate efficiently and succeed in the modern era. This could involve upgrading to digital systems, automating processes, and adopting new marketing and sales strategies.

  2. India’s No. 1: The goal is to become the leading bearing distributor in India, which would involve expanding the company’s reach and market share, improving customer satisfaction, and offering a wider range of high-quality products and services.

  3. Global Renown: The company aims to be known globally for its expertise and innovation in the bearing industry. This could involve expanding to new international markets, building partnerships with other global players, and investing in research and development to stay ahead of the competition.

  4. Digital Transformation: To achieve these goals, the company must prioritize digital transformation, including investing in new technologies like AI and machine learning, upgrading its IT infrastructure, and creating a strong online presence.

  5. Global Expansion: For long-term success and increased customer reach, the bearing distributor should focus on global expansion by building partnerships with manufacturers, expanding into new markets, and investing in local distribution networks.

  6. Large Client Portfolio: To ensure stability and growth, we are aiming for a large and diverse client portfolio, including at least 500 top global and Indian companies by 2025. This will create a stable revenue stream and provide opportunities for future expansion.

  7. Social Responsibility: The company must embrace its social responsibility by using environment-friendly technology to save energy and resources, reducing its carbon footprint, and supporting local communities through initiatives like charity and volunteering.

  8. World Impact: The company should strive to have a positive impact on the world through its business practices, by promoting sustainability, ethical standards, and social responsibility. This could involve working with NGOs and other organizations to promote sustainable business practices and reduce waste and pollution.

  9. Ultimate Goal
    Every machinery that rotates must have a bearing from AMPL Because “Everything Rotates”.